«Partnership building for SEN pupils’ better social inclusion» (NORDPLUS JUNIOR) 2013-2014

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The project aim was to develop cooperation between four general education schools for young people with special needs. The main focus of the project was pupils' preparation for independent life in modern society. There were teachers' mobilities organised to each of the partner countries (Estonia, Sweden, Lithuania), so that the participants could get to know each partner's methods of pupils' preparation for independent life, experience teaching in a foreign environment, study approaches and ways of teaching in a partner institution, improve their fluency in English. During each mobility teachers from all three countries met together in order to compare their work, share best practices, visit social partners and see how local networks of cooperation act, learn from each other and work out a project for class exchanges to be applied for the following year. Age of the target groups of pupils was 16 - 19 years old.

The partnership was presented by Ahtme School (Estonia), Hammarögymnasiet (Sweden) and two schools from Lithuania (Kėdainių specialioji mokykla and Vilniaus ,,Atgajos" specialiosios mokyklos). The project team included 2 teachers from each country, who met in all three countries in order to achieve the project objectives.

Our teachers in the project: Arina Leppik and Jelena Speževa

Haridusjärelevalve teostaja

Haldusjärelevalvet õppeasutuse õppe- ja kasvatustegevuse õiguspärasuse üle teostab Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
Munga 18, Tartu 50088
+372 735 0222


Kontaktisik korruptsiooniennetusega seotud küsimustes Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumis on Hille Voolaid


Ahtme Kooli andmekaitsespetsialist on Oksana Peterson
+372 336 6071


Jelena Ditjatkina
+372 336 6077
Vastuvõtuajad: kolmapäev kell 10-14

Olga Štšur

Oksana Peterson

Aadress ja asukoht kaardil

Ahtme Kool

Õpetajate 3, Kohtla-Järve, Ida-Virumaa, 31021, Estonia

Asukoht Google Maps`i kaardil
Asukoht Waze`i kaardil

Geograafilised koordinaadid:
XY: 6581356.45, 695183.83
BL: 59.325415, 27.429864
H: 66.5 m

Registrikood: 70004420
Kooli üldmeil: info(at)ahtmekool.ee
Veebilehe haldaja: aleksandr.girejev(at)ahtmekool.ee
Õpilaskodu valvetelefon: +372 5628 1755


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