The project "International exchange "Skills for meaningful life 2" was a youth exchange for people with special educational needs and mainstream school students from four countries (Estonia, Poland, Russian Federation and Georgia). The exchange took place in the period 16.05.2014 -24.05.2014 in Kobuleti, Georgia.
There were two main aims of the activity:
- To support young people in development of their skills for further employment and independent life. This exchange is an added value to pupils pre-vocational preparation.
- To promote social inclusion of SEN pupils and develop tolerance of mainstream students by making them learn, work and communicate internationally.
The project participants were 5 students with special educational needs, 3 mainstream youngsters and 2 group leaders from each partner country (totally 40 persons). This arrangement helped different social groups become closer and understand each other better. During the exchange period the students improved their skills in gardening and agriculture sphere. Through these tasks and other non-formal activities the young people's team working, communication, tolerance, decision making and international cooperation skills got developed significantly.
The young people worked in international teams, presented their cultures, had outdoor and indoor activities that developed their skills. For the activities we used non-formal methods: energizers, problem solving tasks, performances, group works, discussions, games, simulations, etc.
The project partners were general and vocational education schools that have experience of cooperation in previous projects.
The present project was a continuation of the international exchange project "Skills for meaningful life" which took place in Tihemetsa, Estonia in May 2013.