The project "International exchange "Skills for meaningful life"" was a youth exchange for people with special educational needs from six countries (Estonia, Finland, Poland, Russian Federation, Armenia and Georgia). The exchange took place in the period 11. - 19.05.2013 in Tihemetsa, Estonia. The main aim of the activity was to support young people studying at partner institutions at development of their skills for further employment and independent life. This exchange was an added value to pupils pre-vocational preparation. During 9 days 6 young people from each partner country (36 persons totally) studied national cuisines and studied modern and simple tools to be used in cooking. The topic of national cuisines was chosen because all of the participating young people like cooking and hope to work in this sphere after finishing their studies. Participants' professional and core skills got developed through their common topical activities and their passion to cooking.
The project also aimed to develop young people's team working, communication, tolerance, decision making and international cooperation skills. During the exchange pupils worked in international teams, presented their cultures, had outdoor and indoor activities that developed their skills. For the activities we used non-formal methods: problem solving tasks, performances, group works, discussions, games, simulations, role plays, workshops, etc.
The venue of the exchange was ideal for the target group and activities planned: Voltveti Training Centre is located in Tihemetsa, in a rural environment. It is a department of Pärnumaa Vocational Training Centre.
The project partners were general and vocational education schools.
The present project was a result of the previous partnership building activity: "International partnership building for providing SEN pupils with better pre-vocational preparation" Youth in Action, 3.1.