The main project objectives were to create and develop partnership working on the topic of pre-vocational preparation of pupils with special educational needs (Partnership Building Activity). The project applicant was Ahtme School, Estonia. The project promoters were Luovi Vocational College, Finland; Yerevan State Armenian-Greek College of Tourism, Service and Food Industry, Armenia; LEPL Vocational College “Akhali Talga”, Georgia; Siverskaya boarding school for SEN pupils, Russian Federation.
The external expert of the project was Mr Rune J. Kvarme (Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Enterprises, Norway). The partnership was presented by both general education schools and vocational training institutions in order to enrich it and provide active involvement of different stakeholders.
The partners’ seminar took place in the period 22.05. – 25.05.2012 in Kobuleti, Georgia. There were 27 participants. During the seminar the representatives of the partner institutions got to know each other, exchanged their experiences on the topic of the project, shared their ideas, difficulties and achievements and worked on the preparation of the project “International exchange "Skills for meaningful life", which was submitted to the Youth in Action Programme by 01.10.2012.
The following methods were used by the moderators for making the seminar effective: brain storming, group work, presentations, discussions, involving local experts, etc.