"Outdoor Education for pupils with special needs" (COMENIUS) 2012 - 2014

The aim of the project was to study the topic of Outdoor Education for pupils with special needs, compare its development in Estonia, the UK, Turkey and Spain, share best practices, analyse difficulties and apply the findings to everyday work with the pupils in every participating school. The target age of pupils was 7 - 16 years old. The pupils have various mental disorders.

The project activities included teachers' meetings, exchanging experiences, making three lesson plans, that will be identical for each country and will take into account findings of the project team. The lessons were video recorded. The topics of three lessons:

1. Weather and seasons: what is the weather like in different countries in the same day? Pupils talk about trees, the sun, the sky, their clothes.

2. Different states of water depending on the weather and temperature: rain, snow, ice.

3. Different stages of growing plant (from seeds to blooming).The project team will assess the lessons, analyse their results and make suggestions for further activities and topics for lessons using Outdoor Pedagogy.

The coordinating institution is Ahtme School (Estonia). The project partners are Springfield School DCFS (the UK), Tarsus Mehmet Akif Ersoy İlköğretim Okulu (Turkey) and CEIP SAN AGUSTIN (Spain).

Haridusjärelevalve teostaja

Haldusjärelevalvet õppeasutuse õppe- ja kasvatustegevuse õiguspärasuse üle teostab Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
Munga 18, Tartu 50088
+372 735 0222


Kontaktisik korruptsiooniennetusega seotud küsimustes Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumis on Hille Voolaid


Ahtme Kooli andmekaitsespetsialist on Oksana Peterson
+372 336 6071


Jelena Ditjatkina
+372 336 6077
Vastuvõtuajad: kolmapäev kell 10-14

Olga Štšur

Oksana Peterson

Aadress ja asukoht kaardil

Ahtme Kool

Õpetajate 3, Kohtla-Järve, Ida-Virumaa, 31021, Estonia

Asukoht Google Maps`i kaardil
Asukoht Waze`i kaardil

Geograafilised koordinaadid:
XY: 6581356.45, 695183.83
BL: 59.325415, 27.429864
H: 66.5 m

Registrikood: 70004420
Kooli üldmeil: info(at)ahtmekool.ee
Veebilehe haldaja: aleksandr.girejev(at)ahtmekool.ee
Õpilaskodu valvetelefon: +372 5628 1755


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