The project team searches for answers to the following questions: how can we prepare the students for a future after school and how to adapt the school education for this? How to involve parents in this process? How to cooperate with other institutions in order to provide our students with better opportunities in life? How to prepare the teachers to lead the pupils to a successful life after school?
The project partnership involves schools, service providers for people with intellectual disabilities, training and counselling centres, which are going to find better solutions tackling the problem from various aspects and experiences: Ahtme School (Estonia), L.C.EDUCATIONAL LTD (Cyprus), Lebenshilfen Soziale Dienste GmbH (Austria), Mockfjärdsskolan (Sweden) and Domov socialnych sluzieb pre deti a dospelych Sibirka (Slovakia). All the project partners met in Slovakia in October 2016 at the contact seminar “Removing Barriers” - Access to learning opportunities for disabled learners at pre-primary, primary, secondary and adult levels".
The project participants are teachers/ trainers and specialists of the partner organisations, who are responsible for preparation of their learners for employment.
The main project impact is the fact the teachers/trainers/specialists will be better prepared to support their students on their transition from school into the after-work-life in cooperation with other professionals. They will acquire the knowledge and tools which will be implemented in each partner institution, adopt collaborative and innovative practices.
As other strategic partnerships in Erasmus+ we aim to support the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level.
The project website and materials