United Colours of Creativity for Learners' Future

The present project is continuation of the previous Erasmus+ partnership project "United Colours of Creativity", which was realised in 2014-2016.

The partnership institutions are Narva Vanalinna Riigikool and Ahtme Kool (Estonia), Agrupamento de Escolas Gardunha e Xisto (Portugal), Gimnazija Brezice (Slovenia), Janina Porazińska Special Education School Complex in Ignaców (Poland), Tarsus Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu (Turkey).

The project is focused on solving the challenges we faced in the previous project: necessity for individual learning plans for the project participants, bigger responsibility of older students and more complicated tasks, which would require longer preparation of youngsters. We use the similar (but adjusted and renewed) programmes we have developed in the previous project but to work more on their individualization (so that they would provide more challenge for students of different age and abilities) and flexibility. We concentrate on priorities of inclusion, employability and active citizenship and help our youngsters to develop 21st century competences by means of individual learning plans, reflection, self-assessment and record of achievement.

The project measurable objectives are:
1. To develop a form of individual learning plan and record of achievement for international integrated programmes.
2. To exchange best practices in using learner-centred approach.
3. To arrange international learning experience for 80 students from 5 countries.
4. To support students in acquiring skills in techniques of the following kinds of art: music, painting, paper art, theatre, dancing.
5. To develop the project participants' creativity, skills of communication, team work, organisation, decision making, their intercultural competence, fluency in English, etc.
6. To strengthen teachers' profiles through arranging 5 international learning programmes, getting experience of teaching multicultural miltilevel groups, realising learner-centered individual plans (at least 100 plans are made and realised during the project totally: for participants of mobilities and local students, who take part in international programmes).

The project participants are teachers and students of the partner organisations:
1. The project coordinators
2. Teachers of the partner schools, who take part in international mobilities. They are the teachers of arts, handicrafts, music and extra-curricular activities (theatre).
3. Students of the partner schools. Students in the age of 12 - 18 are involved in international project activities. They are both mainstream and with special educational needs (various mental disabilities, down syndrome, autism spectrum, deaf-mute, etc.).

The project meets the priorities of social inclusion, strengthening the profile of the teaching profession and supporting schools to tackle early school leaving and disadvantage.
A project like this is a great opportunity for youngsters to become educated and successful people of the 21st century.
New memories, discoveries, teamwork and challenges we meet will be with us all our life and they influence our values, views, way of teaching and working in general. Arts, love, respect, support, openness, trust and good will can make our students and ourselves more educated, kinder, more tolerant, better and happier people, who take care of their society and the world.

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Haldusjärelevalvet õppeasutuse õppe- ja kasvatustegevuse õiguspärasuse üle teostab Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
Munga 18, Tartu 50088
+372 735 0222


Kontaktisik korruptsiooniennetusega seotud küsimustes Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumis on Hille Voolaid


Ahtme Kooli andmekaitsespetsialist on Oksana Peterson
+372 336 6071


Jelena Ditjatkina
+372 336 6077
Vastuvõtuajad: kolmapäev kell 10-14

Olga Štšur

Oksana Peterson

Aadress ja asukoht kaardil

Ahtme Kool

Õpetajate 3, Kohtla-Järve, Ida-Virumaa, 31021, Estonia

Asukoht Google Maps`i kaardil
Asukoht Waze`i kaardil

Geograafilised koordinaadid:
XY: 6581356.45, 695183.83
BL: 59.325415, 27.429864
H: 66.5 m

Registrikood: 70004420
Kooli üldmeil: info(at)ahtmekool.ee
Veebilehe haldaja: aleksandr.girejev(at)ahtmekool.ee
Õpilaskodu valvetelefon: +372 5628 1755


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