Hybrid learning for disadvantaged adults
Project leading partner: Adult Learning Centre Vestifex
Project partners:
Ahtme School, Estonia
Valgamaa Vocational Training Centre, Estonia
Tarsus Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey
Centro de Educación de Personas Adultas SIERRA NORTE, Spain
Agenzija Sapport, Malta
Project budget: 155 108 EUR
The partnership was looking for successful solutions of hybrid learning in order to help disadvantaged adults to learn, support inclusion and improve the availability of high quality learning opportunities. We see that the world will never be the same again and hybrid learning should be available for all people wherever they live and whatever special need they
In the project we focused specifically on the people with intellectual disabilities, immigrants and learners in rural areas. This choice is
connected with the target groups we work with.
In local and international partnership we developed a toolkit including methods and tools, which support the learners in hybrid environments; a training programme and a e-learning self-study course for the adult educators.
During two years together with the partner institutions from Estonia, Malta, Slovenia, Spain and Türkiye we were working on the project dedicated to hybrid learning (some participants are in the classroom and some are online at the same time). We were searching for ways to make this format person-centred, engaging and practical especially for disadvantaged adults (people who have bigger barriers than others - they have disabilities or live in a rural area or come from a different cultural and linguistic background, etc.). Testing different formats and methods with our learners we found out how we could help online participants to feel being a part of the group even if they can't join it physically.
We are glad to present the following results of our cooperation:
1. https://www.hybridlearningforadults.com/ - self-paced e-learning course and curriculum for adult educators, who are eager to implement or improve hybrid learning in their work. The course can be valuable also for school teachers.
2. https://hybridlearningtoolkit.com/ - toolkit where you can find various methods to use in hybrid learning. You can also add your methods and tools to share with a wider community of adult educators.
The project was co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.